On-page SEO involves systematic SEO hygiene and aims to optimize web pages by improving both the visible content and the HTML source code.

Touching on elements of content optimization as well as technical SEO, Intrepid will advise you closely on techniques surrounding meta data, headings structure, and internal linking.

Our On-page SEO Services

Data analysis

We start with basic metrics and build from there. Low pages-per-visit can be an indicator of poor internal linking and navigation practices, while a low average visit duration and high bounce rate can be an indicator that your content is failing to engage visitors.

We examine the many levers to pull that can ratchet up your site’s performance in the rankings.

Internal links

Internal linking deserves more attention–and for good reason. Internal links assist crawlers to navigate the website and its architecture, and they enable page authority to be distributed from one page to others throughout the site.

Interlinking also provides search algorithms with content clusters, which indicate context and hierarchy, saving Google some effort and potentially boosting your ranking


We know when and how to implement structured data for maximum impact on your SERP ranking. Schema is a structured data system that all search engines have agreed upon.

When implemented on a webpage, it helps search engines better understand its content, which can in turn improve search visibility and increase the likelihood of getting displayed in a rich snippet.

Core Web Vitals

There’s a reason they’re called Vitals. Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of metrics Google uses to assess site speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a site.

In 2021, Google introduced these page experience factors as official ranking factors. We’ll guide you in how to monitor and optimize these essentials.

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On-page SEO success stories

1900% increase in non-branded clicks

Hawx Pest Control partnered with Intrepid to boost organic traffic and revenue. Intrepid’s on-page SEO fixes, improvements in Core Web Vitals and schema markup, and extensive new content led to a 1900% lift in non-branded clicks, a 7900% increase in top 3 ranking keywords, and a 6300% growth of position 1 rankings.

876% increased organic clicks to Canadian site in 6 weeks

Taylor Farms is North America’s leading producer of salads and healthy fresh foods. Serving markets across the continent, Taylor Farms has a US website in English and a website for Canadian customers in both French and English. However, the sites were not optimized for international SEO and were causing confusion for users. Taylor Farms tasked Intrepid Digital with optimizing their international experience.

680% increase in total lead volume

Hiro Systems, a web3 company specializing in developer tools for Bitcoin applications, partnered with Intrepid for a performance marketing program to boost brand awareness and lead gen. See how we leveraged Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter Ads for a 680% increase in leads and a 79% decrease in CPA.

On-page SEO blog posts

The Intrepid Glossary of Advanced SEO Terms

The Intrepid Glossary of Advanced SEO Terms defines the most commonly used (and often misunderstood) terms from A to Z. You’ll also learn why each term matters and how it can help you improve your SEO program and, ultimately, your site’s rankings.

SEO in Difficult Times

Is your company in a downturn? Cutting SEO budget may cost more in the long run than just preserving it. Instead, plan smartly. Use these SEO best practices to know how to cut back carefully.

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