Dashboards and reports are not simply about presenting data—they should tell a story with data that leads to strategic insights and actionable outcomes.

Our Dashboard & Reporting services are designed to empower clients with clarity and control over their marketing data, helping businesses understand the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. We translate data into an easy dashboard that helps clients monitor performance, enabling informed decision-making.

Aerial view of a road in a forest during winter

We provide this by:

Our Reporting & Dashboards Services

Goal Alignment

Our dashboards clearly display the metrics aligned with your objectives, providing a transparent view of progress toward those goals.

Issue Identification

We promptly identify issues, enabling immediate responses to improve performance and mitigate risks.

Accessibility and Usability

Our dashboards are user-friendly and accessible to all levels of users within the organization, from specialists to top management. This means presenting data in an understandable and actionable way for each decision-making tier.

Feedback and Evolution

Success is measured by client feedback and the dashboard’s ability to evolve with their changing needs. We tailor the dashboard to not only meet current requirements but also adapt to future demands, utilizing client feedback to continually refine it.

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Reporting & Dashboards success stories

Migration to GA4​

Intelligence Bank asked Intrepid Digital to migrate their UA tracking into GA4. We audited their site and tracking through a technical lens and a business lens, improving page performance and tracking based on business logic. This led to 3 new lead conversion events, 2 new dimensions for segmentation, and more.

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