Content Audits look at your site’s content from a number of angles—structure, brand tone, typographical errors, user flow, technical metadata, and of course, performance in the competitive landscape.

With an Intrepid Content Audit, you get a top-level look at how your content is performing as well as practical, detailed recommendations—so you can see the most impactful path forward.

winding road over looking a cliff and mountains

Our Content Audits Services

E-E-A-T—Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

E-E-A-T is a set of principles Google’s search quality raters use to determine the credibility of a web page. Our Content Audit will determine whether your site is meeting these important standards in the most effective way for your industry.

Leveraging Multimedia

Do you have a robust video library? A podcast? A series of webinars? We can help plan how to repurpose these rich pieces of content into dedicated web pages, marked up with appropriate schema and optimized for keyword targets.

Dig into the Data

Your content audit will explore questions like: Which pages have seen significant drops in traffic? Which pages drive the most conversions (and why?) Which keywords are you super close to ranking on page 1 for? Which topics are your competitors writing about but you haven’t touched? Let’s dig in.

Content Gaps and Connecting Pages

We love when a site has great content on topics that are inspiring to the organization and important to customers. Intrepid will help ensure that these pages are semantically connected and well organized. A solid content structure helps search engines understand your site and users navigate it easily. Bonus: as daunting as it sounds, this can be a quick project with the right resources.

Metadata and Headings Structure

Intrepid can identify and do the writing work to address technical content problems, like missing meta descriptions, page titles that are too long, missing schema markup, or headings structures that are done incorrectly. While the body copy certainly matters for users and ranking, so do technical indicators like these.

Stale Content & Broken Links

Content can get outdated, off-brand, or just plain incorrect. Perhaps you have pages that were built with very thin content (just to get them up, we know how it goes), or before the brand shifted, or when you had a different product offering. Add to that the common phenomenon of internal links that break, and your most important pages may need a refresh.

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