Mags Sikora

Director of SEO

Mags Sikora, SEO Director at Intrepid Digital, has been an SEO professional for 12+ years, She’s previously run SEO programs for international brands including Expedia,, Avis, & Most recently, Mags came to Intrepid after 4 years of running SEO strategy at dnata Emirates Group consisting of 6 B2C brands across 54 markets.

Blog posts

/ June 21, 2024

Global companies need digital marketing tactics built for scale and multiple locales. Our Director of SEO Mags Sikora has extensive experience in this space and walks us through the trouble spots and specific considerations that are particular to multi-national companies.

The Power of SEO in Global Digital Marketing

Global companies need digital marketing tactics built for scale and multiple locales. Our Director of SEO Mags Sikora has extensive experience in this space and walks us through the trouble spots and specific considerations that are particular to multi-national companies.

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